Hi everyone,
Time for a new blog. Actually – about time. So while i am looking forward to 2014 I am also somewhere reflecting on the past. What a journey it has been till now! And i feel all those who have followed my career should know how I feel about it.
About ten years back when my first daily soap had hit the screens I had hoped that I am accepted and people overlook my shortcomings. Since I was not a trained actor I was learning as I was working. I was not sure whether whatever I was doing was good or not. I was going by my conviction and by my heart. I was not even worrying about rejection as I was just focussed on getting it right. And the day I was told that my first daily soap would be aired at 11 pm I thought my future was doomed. Who would wake up till 11 in the night to watch us ? I started thinking of back up plans, all worried and nervous, as I could see a long road ahead full of struggle. Thought that I will have to start all over again. Finally, the telecast day arrived and the show aired at 11. It took me a week to know that I was not rejected
The world called it a success – I took it as responsibility. I knew my journey had just begun. The challenge doesn’t lie in getting on the road. It lies in travelling that road. Today when I look back I realise that most of the fears that were ever a part of me at some point or the other were either induced by all those who never walked on the unbeaten path or I generated them myself each time I looked everywhere but inwards. Each time I worked on a borrowed mind, which has not been very often till now, I regretted. Each time I went with my gut, I was happy, whatever the outcome. I kept experimenting with the norms set by the conventional thinkers and kept getting a different outcome. Those outcomes gave me a new perspective and a new taste. A taste which may not have been palatable every time but it was definitely satiating in the end. Today I feel that I discovered myself a lot in the last 10 years and while the discovery is still on I am at least at peace with myself..
I also experienced the unparalleled high and thrill, when you discover something new from your own life. Left Right Left, my second daily soap was on a smaller channel. I did not know whether it will work or not but I still wanted to do it. A lot was at stake. Time Bomb did not work and I was facing the threat of being labelled ‘one serial wonder’. But at times, conviction is stronger than calculation. The success of LRL not just gave my self belief an adrenalin shot, it also spoilt me. I became hungry to grow as an actor. I started hating the word ‘safe zone’. I started looking for the ‘unchartered zone’. I wanted to break myths, break rules and go with my instincts. Aamir, Shaitan, Soundtrack and Table No 21 were all the result of that. Even Sach Ka Saamna was a challenge as it was immediately after Aamir. People thought I should not go back to television after Aamir but my conviction won once again. It would be honest to say that the same conviction has failed me too on some occasions but it never failed me enough to blame it on anyone but myself. The agony was less.
So, here I am struggling to better myself with each passing day. I realised that each time you win, you don’t defeat others – you actually better yourself. You only defeat your insecurity, your weakness. And each time you lose you just lose the match and not the game.
All along, there were good moments, super good moments and and some ‘not so good moments’. Some moments which seemed may never pass also passed. Today when I look back or look ahead I know life is all about moments. Some well spent, some well invested and some just wasted. And life for everyone is a sum total of all these moments. I feel sad for all those who think they are the chosen ones for all the unfortunate things in the world. If one introspects, one realises that it is we who choose the path and inflict pain on ourselves rather than life choosing us to be the unfortunate ones. I realised this pretty early in my life and career. Whatever happens – good bad or ugly, i am responsible for it.
A lot of you wonder as to why don’t I do a lot of projects. Its not that I am choosy. At times I dont find anything worthwhile to sign. At times a few projects I signed did not materialise and a few did not shape up as promised and hence the absence. But it is a part and parcel of every industry. I am aware of your expectations and how you wish for so many things. ‘This year will be better than the last year in term of my appearances.
Year after year when I look back I feel it boils down to just one question – did I enjoy the journey? Whenever the answer is in negative I look inwards and ensure it won’t be the same next year.
So keep smiling and and keep rocking as you always do. We have to do a lot this year. 2014 will change a lot for us because the change will be brought by us! Be aware and stay informed!
Lots of love and best wishes
The picture you see on top was taken by me during one of my Leh trips
hi sir, i dont knw how often u read the comments here.. but i still would like to share something.. im not a diehard fan like many girls are.. but i find ur roles really gud.. i mean i can nevr visualize anyone doing them bettr than wht u have done.. plz dont think im only buttering u up.. but i saw soundtrack a few days back.. i loved the role.. thou i dint get to watch it completly.. as i have always followd u have a certain spark n detrmination tht shows up in your eyes.. like ure giving ur 100% ..tht inspires me a lot.. u might nt knw but u unknowningly r helping so many people around u awaken that spark of determination in their lives.. thank u so much.. keep doing the best u can n u will really keep inspiring all of us.. bye..:-)
Nice writing Rajeev …
I try to follow whenever I can to know about your upcoming projects.
It is very sad to see that your potential is not being utilized by the Film Industry …
But I’m sure your time will come …
These are purely my thoughts …
As I know … you are content …
My best wishes always …
I feel the same way for and wish the same to Rajeev!
Your statements about why you dont sign many projects show how honest and sincere you are to your fans. I am really surprised that how an honest and straightforward gentleman like you is surviving well in this industry which is full of hypocrites and show offs. may you remain like this always and may God bless you with untold success.
Wow RK your blog took me to down the memory lane how I used to fight my mom and used to stay awake to watch kahi tu hoga I followed u since then. You are only common actor whom me n my hubby both like we enjoyed all your movies looking forward for samrat & co. All the best for what ever u do spread love and happiness. always keep smiling thanks to tweeter I can connect with u
Went naustalgic while reading. You have the ability to touch hearts. Conviction has it all.
Happy Anniversary…..
My earnest prayers to the Almighty for a blissful togetherness all your life at any and every step in this long beautiful walk. May this walk be like a dream for both of you making each on indispensable for the other.
life is really beautiful…….now I can feel……., beta…….you made me like that 
I’m so happy to get you here …..happy 2014……….thank you my dearest
it’s very wonderful experience being your fan…….and…….to get you as my son
keep smiling & stay blessed………always
Have visited your dreamland house (on facebook ) …simply amazing and mesmerizing. May every corner of that dreamland be filled with eternal joy and love to the brim.
lots lots & lots of love & blessings for both of you…….. and of course a tighttt hug for my dearest cute dad
a maa
‘Winning is not everything. It is the only thing! You don’t play to lose’…fail to understand this samratism, this way of life. Maybe it can be true for a boxing match that samrat plays.
This, your story, your views about the Game of Life and way of thinking is very relatable. Life is beautiful, what prevents us from seeing it beautiful are our preconceived notions about circumstances and people, our prejudices and fear of losing and rejection. All ugly things.
You’ve fought your battles well and have dealt with many negative things and good to know that you are at peace with yourself. Wishing you abiding peace and all the very best for future battles.
And don’t think moments get wasted. They may not yield results in the way we expected, but all that we consciously and unconsciously imbibed/learnt will bear fruit.
Wish you get more projects, but do not wonder why you do not do a lot of projects. You do things your way and because you do things your way things don’t come easy your way. But you are the only man standing… from scores of cable TV actors who began with you and scores more who came after you. You are where you are, being the lead, doing solo hero projects, because of your convictions. You are in the race. You’ll never be a ‘has been’. Rajeev Khandelwal will always be ‘is’ and ‘in’.
Enjoy following your fascinating journey
You are sure to do more challenging and fulfilling roles.
You portray a range of emotions…even the most layered and intricate ones with ease. You have this wonderful talent of expressing in words even the innermost thoughts and you have an eye for beauty and capture them very well. Soooo, definitely a script writer and director.
You might also become a producer…for the Khandelwal khandaan boys…starting off with your nephew.
There is also an autobiography.
Life is beautiful. Must march ahead with a self confidence that borders on arrogance that the Future IS more beautiful. As you say… ‘conviction is stronger than calculation’.
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”. Faith and Hope… two things that make life beautiful… along with LOVE.
“He who loves his wife, loves himself”.
Wishing you and the most precious Gift you are blessed with on this journey decades of happy married life
Lovely pics from the photo shoot
For a perfect wedlock
a good husband
must submit himself to necklocks
of his sparring life partner
Even when the path is barren, and there are dark threatening clouds and it is cold, Life Is Colourful and Beautiful!!!
wow… on occasion of birthday of one of the very beautiful n sweetest friend of mine.. I got a b’full gift from my king..
it really feels high and buttering inside my heart whenever i read ur writes..
leh is really beautiful
and love u for sharing ur view about ur past and struggle..
i will always feel pleasure to be wid u on this roadways of life..
bumpers and smooth whatever it is.. i will like to share all with u..
might b m miles away but u r always near to me..
so never feel that u r alone in anycase..
ur princess
4m ranchi
Hi!Rajeev.Thanks for such inspirational writing. I am your fan since Kahin to hoga but my personal favourite is Capt.Rajveer from LRL.The way you had portrayed the character of Capt.Rajveer was amazing.Though I am your old fan but never shared my views as I am very introvert.Looking forward to your upcoming movies.All the best and Keep inspiring us.Thank you.
Hi Rajeev. Thanks for writing your blog. I wait to read your thoughts. Please update your blog on a weekly basis. It is very inspiring to see you grow as an actor and as an individual.
Waiting to see you on the top.
hi rajeev. after a long time i am reading something about you. i am your fan since kahi to hoga. . your journey is very interesting. waiting for more now interesting project in your life. love you.
Really love the blog and the way you think and express. I am one of your many fans who wishes only good things for you. Keep shining as you always do and please stick to your beliefs. Really admire your work.
Finally finallY i got mY 3rd gift

Thanxx for sharng this whole xprnce wid us..
as alwyz inspirng.wen i was readng this actually i felt ur presence in ur words like ur telling me in frnt of mE..
all coz i have lived this whole path wid u in every moment of my life..
U will not belv wen i saw that v. frst epi of kth my mum forced me to awake on 11pm..& wen i saw ur v. frst scene mY heart said juSt one thing to mE watever happens wid us, its all coz god has planned sumthng really special wid that “Watever” Destiny me jo bhi hota hai har cheez ka reazn hota h..& then i came to knw its nly the begining picture to abi baki thi..
Nd dekhte hi dekhte 10years kab nikal gae kab huM sab apni life me itne aage aa gae samaj hi nh aya..
Ur ryt zindgi raahon me khade rehne ka nh..raston se guzarne ka naam hai..
soo i will find mY way in wich i cud found “U” in mY “Manzill”, Till then chalte_chalte raste gum to honge hi but zindgi dobara milne ka nahi jeetne ka naam hai
Thanxxxxxx again for everythng..watever u does for us :))
And i wiSh this soOper rainbow fill ur life wid fullll of happinesS..nd luVing mOmeNts<3
Thanxxxxx again..& again for this luVly pic nd sharng ur precious thoughts on dis special daY nd making mY daY worth ®<3
luV u alwaYz mY beat alwaYz beat in mY heart..
ur stupid
The pic is just “Wowwww”
“LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL”!Yes so true.And its indeed more beautiful after knowing a person like you :).Thanks for the very first blog post of 2014 and for making it such a meaningful one.Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and taking us through your journey.By words and deeds you have always inspired us and I’m sure you will continue to.For us,Rajeev Khandelwal ‘ is the inspiration and then the characters he portrayed though its true that we came to know you through them only.
. Coming to your stint on TV,i would like to start with Kya Haadsa Kya Haqeeqat-don’t think negative characters looked so charming before that.Kahiin To Hoga-you made a girl who hit bed by10.30 at night,to stay awake till 11.30pm :).and who loved to spend loads of time with friends would rush home to watch the repeat telecast.still remember that perplexed look on my mom’s face. :).Time Bomb was equally engaging and Captain Rajveer taught us a new lesson everyday.Every other show n movie of yours after that only made us feel,”ye dil maange more”.every time you made us speechless and left us wondering what would be next??
. Well,mistakes are only a part of the learning process and when we learn from our experiences we never forget that.So just be the amazing person you are and yes!”Winning is the only thing for you!” :))
Loads love
Yes life is beautiful….!!!!!
it is when I read your blog, it gets even more beautiful when I get to know that you are happy, ur words can never be forgotten. They have an amazing meaning in it…. the best words were
“I feel sad for all those who think they are the chosen ones for all the unfortunate things in the world. If one introspects, one realises that it is we who choose the path and inflict pain on ourselves rather than life choosing us to be the unfortunate ones”
I love the way you express your feelings, your success, your failures, your life. you give me the courage to make my own way towards “my destiny”- with hope of seeing myself at a place I always dreamt to be.
Thanks for being there, thanks for loving us, thanks for connecting with us, every words just seems so less in front of you ….
just last- Respect you RK forever
Ur sweet and lil frnd and fan
Reading ur blog post was a pleasure as always not only because u are very articulate with words but ur words always inspire n whenever I am struggling or facing difficult times n it seems tht I cant handle it,I think tht if the person I look upto can do it then I can do it too.I have learned a lot frm u.I hv learned that it doesnt matter if no one is good to you,only thing which matters is u are good to everyone, tht going against d current isnt wrong if ur hrt feels tht its right,tht I need to love myself too n I m thnkful fr all of this. U have seen many up n downs n thts what makes ur journey beautiful.The most beautiful part of it is u choosed to live rather than just existing,U have evolved a lot as an actor n as a person too.I wish u get all d happiness u deserve in ur life n fr ur career I wish u r not d next SRK or Salman or whosoever U r d first Rajeev Khandelwal.Sky is ur limit.All d best n keep smiling always : )
thkkkk u rajeev awesome we love u and INSAALLAH U ROCKED EVER YEAR
1st thing 1st…m lost in d above pic….dt has increased my starvation to visit leh
being ur admirer….i hav also thoroughly enjoyed ur jouney….n looking forward 4 more fun in coming years. M sooooo proud to b a Rajeev Khandelwnal admirer…nt nly an actor bt also as a person. Ur presence gives me extreme happiness n smiles. Believing in urself…is like nw flowing in my blood vessels along wid blood. I hav learnt 4m u to b responsible for my win n failures too. While u wr discovering urself as an actor n as a person….we r also getting to watch n knw a new, refresh n better Rajeev with each passing day….its like we r growing together….its nt just journey….its ours too…:)
2014 is really imp….looking forward 4 a positive change…:)
Nw abt d post….d wait 4 d 1st blog post of 2014 of hero is worth it !! d way u hav shared ur 10 yrs of journey is just WOW…yes being ur admirer….I knw hw u feel abt it
Yes….life is beautiful….enjoying every bit of it
Wish u al d very best 4 watever u do in professional n personel life…always kp smiling.
yours forever
My best wishes alwazz wit u….n lukin fwrdd to see mre of u tis year…waitin fr ur nxt blog…lods of luv frm ur charmer binjal
Great Rajeev
Loveed to read
Kal hi ki baat lagti hai
All the best
Pic is amazing & U r such a great person with a golden heart. I LOVE U
Hi… RK u R a Rockstar my super hero My love n my good wishes always with u loads of love <3
Keep Rising
Keep Shining
Keep smiling
Its a wonderful treat to read as always
& it was all the worth the wait
& Happy to see first blog of 2014 

For sure knowing you…& being your fan has surely made my life b’ful
Glad to know it has been a wonderful & learning experience for you
& your journey, the way you shaped up your career…learned with your every experience …the way you have niched your place will surely be an inspiration to many
Not only for those who want to be an actor but in routine life & any other profession for that matter…
its important to always strive to do better everytime & learn from our every experience
& This I have learned from you to always stay positive & confident about yourself :D…& never fear to try something new …always try …if it works its good, if it doesn’t it just turns out to be your learning experience

I have surely enjoyed 10 years journey of being your fan (I’m sure all of ur fans must have) Have been a wonderful experience being your fan, knowing you as a actor, as a person… & Looking forward to more learning experiences from you

wishing you many more successful years ahead … 

Once again Thanku for sharing your experience of 10years
All the best personally & professionally…
Always Keep Smiling
Stay Blessed
Lots of Love & Hugs
Proud to be a Rajeev Fan
Will Always be a Rajeev Khandelwal Fan !!
Very well said……..it was awasome reading your blog today……..we all wish you a lot of success not just for 2014 but for all the years. And no matter what we will always love you
Nice click
Love you

And I love all your works… May be I am too much biased
Lots of love and best wishes for your upcoming projects…. Keep smiling <3
First of all thank you Rajeev for this post. I am a huge fan of yours not only because of you acting but when I saw your many interviews I realized that you are not only a good actor but you are a good human being & which is the best point of yours. This blog is not helping you only but it will surely inspire to your fans also to gear up in the life. Thank you once again.
Beautiful pic
Hello rajeev.. Happy to see yr blog update after a long time.. Keep smiling.. Lots of love.. Eager for all yr upcoming movies especially samrat n company